Stamped Lettering Inside 304/314 Rotor Head

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Stamped Lettering Inside 304/314 Rotor Head

Post by Merlot »

Over the years I must have looked inside the rotor heads of my 304/314 thousands of times. But I've never taken the time to find
out what the raised letter markings cast into them actually means/stands for. On the 304 its a raised circle with FL stamped in it. On the 314
it has LM stamped.

Can anyone shed any light as to the meaning of the lettering?...
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Re: Stamped Lettering Inside 304/314 Rotor Head

Post by Sandman »

Merlot, these casting marks are stamped into the molds at the foundry's Mitchell contracted to make the housings. You will find various marks throughout the years from different foundry's. Another mate may know exactly what the LM stands for (I think Christian L. has shared this info previously). Usually it is the initials of the manufacturing company or the name of the town in which it was produced. Below is an early 308 with the same stamp and even earlier 308 with no stamp.

IMG_3055.JPG (124.32 KiB) Viewed 2022 times
IMG_3053.JPG (119.29 KiB) Viewed 2022 times

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Re: Stamped Lettering Inside 304/314 Rotor Head

Post by Schrack »

Casting marks are generally who made the part.

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